
Showing posts from May, 2024

Blog under construction

While the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera is being repaired above Dathomir, this blog is being prepared to comment on current science fiction and fantasy of every kind.It is currently under construction. The Blog is named after the Grand Admiral's ready room or office near the bridge - which also serves as the admiral's reading room.

The Ready Room

The use of the term "Ready room" as a place where the Admiral or Commander of a ship can conduct briefings or business while next to the bridge appears to originate with "Star Trek, the Next Generation" although the term has been used at sea on US Navy aircraft carriers, to describe a room where briefings for Aircrew are held.  On a major Royal Navy vessel the captain's office will be referred to as the "Captain's day cabin" which will often be located as part of a suite of living and working quarters at the stern of the ship. The captain of an RN warship of any size will usually also have a "Captain's Sea Cabin" located very near to the Bridge so he can be called there quickly to take charge in the event of any emergency. On a starship the size of an Imperial Star Destroyer such as Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, the ISS Chimaera, space is not at a premium, even less than on a Galaxy class Federation starship such as the Enterpr...