A Thrawn saying for All Souls' day: "If one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone."
The second day of November is commemorated by many people on the planet known as Sol III, Terra, or Earth as All Souls' day.
Many cultures on Sol II have a custom of remembering the departed at the time of the Autumn Equinox, a custom sometimes known as Halloween (a shortening of "All Hallow's Eve") when people on earth remember the departed.
The Christian churches refer to 2nd November as All Soul's day as part of that religious festival.
None of the stories featuring Mitth'raw'nuruodo, who became known in the Empire as Grand Admiral Thrawn, either in Legends or Canon, lay out whether he had any religious beliefs. However, all the best ones suggest that he valued life, never killed capriciously or unnecessarily, and had the capacity of genuine friendship.
The Epilogue to Timothy Zahn's noel "Thrawn" begins with some words, apparently intended to be read as the thoughts of the Grand Admiral, about Friendship.
The last sentence appears particularly appropriate on a day when we remember departed friends.
"For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone."